31 Days of Savoring Home: Day 11 Leaving Home

Good morning! So glad you are loving the home tours! Thanks, Daniela for sharing yesterday. I have a post all set about the boys rooms but something else is on my mind this morning. So detour here we come. And no time for edits so here ya have it…


When we settled into our new homes in Bogota and Switzerland I remember it took a long time for it to feel like home. The funny thing is that each time it took leaving for it to feel more familiar and like our place. Even a weekend away would make coming “home” that much better. Home felt more like ours than the places of adventure we had just explored. The breaks from home are important to gain some perspective and have appreciation for what home is.

When we arrived in Herndon we hit the ground running with getting the house in order for the start of school, new job, etc. A few weeks after we arrived we had a wedding to attend in Virginia Beach. At the time I was so excited to go to the wedding and see friends but could not fathom stepping away for a weekend when there was so. much. to. do!!!!!! But somehow this same little phenomenon happened, leaving home made the coming home so much sweeter. Instead of being overwhelmed with our home to do list we were happy to be home. It reminded us that it is our space and somewhere we were becoming really comfortable with. In fact as we walked in from the weekend Jackson said a jolly  “home sweet home” as we walked through the door. I laughed at the time that he had added that in appropriately with no previous rehearsal, but it was so true.

I don’t think leaving home always needs to be a trip or even leaving for huge chunks of time. Lately in the midst of our new fall bustle I have been sneaking out on Sunday afternoons by myself to have time to have complete thoughts and some quiet. I have made a habit out of heading around the corner to our Starbucks and ordering a salted caramel mocha…have you tried it yet?? I know I would probably love the other seasonal option too but one of these puppies and I was hooked.  This hour, maybe 2 if I can sit still and read long enough, is so refreshing and makes coming home so much sweeter. I can come home with perspective on what I appreciate….my family, the roof over our heads, a fridge stocked with food to nourish our family, heat on a chilly night…the list goes on.

So if you haven’t left home in a while, take a little detour. Not to the grocery store or the dentist. If salted caramel mochas aren’t tempting…step out for a walk or take your family on a little day trip if you have the time and resources. Break out of your routine knowing that you will make great memories and you will return with some perspective! At the end of the day carry sleepy kids in from the car, tuck everyone in and let out that sigh that says “whew, we’re home”.


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