Clear Reminder

My sister-in-law sent me a link to a blog yesterday. It was a blog of a mom from Vienna where we used to live. Her son died in the flooding last week. One day she was posting pictures of her two children starting school together and a few days later she wrote what she had spoken at his funeral.  She was strong and candid and honest. It could only be God’s grace that is carrying her through this horrific time.

Today my mind is so full. We are awaiting results of tests run on a family member, recovery of another family member, reconciliation of others, and possible job loss for yet another.  All of these things seem big to me today and if I am honest my heart feels heavy, yet they seem so small in the midst of pondering this mom that has lost her boy.

We all know that life is too short and we all know that we should savor every moment. But why do I need reminders like this to jolt me back to the reality of our limited time together?! Clearly I need reminders. This mom spoke at her son’s funeral about the time she accidentally took him to camp on the wrong date which meant she and her son got a day and a half together that she hadn’t planned on and looking back had been such a treasure to her.  Last night we had expected to have guests around in the evening. When their day trip took longer than we expected we both jumped on the opportunity to have a family night. We got the boys out of the bath and pulled out the Hullabaloo game. For 30 minutes we were silly and laughed together.  It’s moments like these, when plans change, that I am aware of my need to snatch up those moments and savor them.

Today will be filled with wiping drippy noses, coaxing resistant yet tired boys into naps, and a blend of “hurry up Owen” and “slow down, Jackson”. The day will be full and I am positive by the end of it I will be tired. But hopefully I will have eyes to see and ears to hear all that has been given to us today.  All of those moments that were ordained before I could even make a silly plan.  I am currently reading “A Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are” by Ann Voskamp. I highly recommend it. It comes in such a timely manner when I need so desperately to be jolted into the reality of being thankful for all of those little things…even when there are big, tough things.

As my sister-in-law said in her email, “hug your kids tighter”.   Definitely hugging tighter and when I do throughout today I will be praying for this sweet mom who grieves her loss.

these are some of the things I am savoring today…

little boy wanting to be a little “big” boy

brothers learning to be brothers (Jackson had a rope tied to his jeans and was getting Owen to pull him out of the tree, Owen gladly stepped in)

tom sawyer



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