First Field Trip

Some of the everyday happenings seem to have been lost in the 31 day shuffle. So before I share the story of how Jackson broke his arm last week I thought I would share about his first field trip. Much more pleasant.

A couple of weeks ago I went with Jackson on his field trip to Frying Pan park. Since we live so close to the school he doesn’t typically get to ride on a bus so I have to say I think the highlight of the day was riding the bus with his friends. We rode the bus to the farm and had a great morning. I was assigned three students, including Jackson, to keep up with.







aren’t they the cutest group ever?!













new piglets….kids with parents cell phones (it must be 2012)….scavenger hunt







lesson time…milking a pretend cow







pumpkin patch and hayride












picnic lunch…..back to school

It was a fun morning and such a treat to have some big boy time! It’s rare to be with just Jackson on an outing. He enjoyed the extra attention and was on his best behavior! (and he wasn’t embarrassed to grab my hand or hop up on my lap)


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Halloween Recap!

I had a little hurricane distraction fun digging up old pictures of Halloween’s past.








2006 Dallas, Texas










2007: Sweet pea, Embassy Bogota








2008: mono (monkey), Embassy Bogota










2009: puppy, Vienna, VA










2010: Curious George and the Man with the Yellow Hat, Embassy Bern, Switzerland











2011: Superman and puppy….crayon and Superman (depending on the party), Embassy Bern, Switzerland

This year we had an interesting Halloween. An hour before I almost decided to call it a day but decided to push through and go through with the festivities. Jackson’s buddy Jackson from school and his family came over for a quick dinner before taking the kids trick-or-treating down our street. Truth is we probably went as long as we would have any other year but the wagon and broken arm made things a bit more interesting.







kind of a lame pumpkin shape but the kids liked it!  The pumpkin cookies looked a bit better!








Owen’s line of the night was “can we just come on in?”







2012: Captain America and Woody, Herndon, VA…woody was at a slight advantage with candy sorting this year with both arms working! He rode around in our wagon most of the night!

Hope you all had a safe and fun evening!






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