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Posts made in October, 2012
Well, we made it through the entire month of October! I never even got around to sharing some other big house projects so those will continue off and on along with guest posts of your homes!
I cannot tell you how much fun it was to tour so many of your homes and hear your reflections on your space and what home means to you. When I put out the cautiously optimistic requests to share I stepped back waiting for everyone to say “NO WAY” but instead so many of you jumped at the opportunity. And so many more of you have amazing spaces and thoughts on home that we will continue to share. So if you didn’t share in October but you would be willing to share please message me! I will hunt you all down eventually
And for those of you other 31 Day-ers, I have so enjoyed many of your posts. I have specifically been following one on finding quiet and one on hospitality, along with another without a theme but just sweet reflections. Each has been such an encouragement. Thank you to those who chose to follow this month. I appreciate your readership and friendship!
I learned a few things this month for sure…
…writing every day (even when it’s hosting guest posts) takes lots of time.
…so much of home for me is the people we share it with….not only the ones that live in it but those that visit.
…savoring is a discipline as much as writing is. I had to be mindful and look for beauty. There were rocky days this month and I had to step back and get some perspective. (it’s probably a blessing that this series is ending before needing to reflect on being locked up with 2 tots during Frankenstorm)
…there were days I had quick stuff I could throw into a post but I tried to dig a little deeper and find a place of authenticity. Sometimes the deeper spots aren’t so Supermom and Pottery Barnish but I hope that they resonated with some of you.
…I’ve heard it said that what comes out of your mouth reflects what is going on in your heart. I feel the same way about our home…what goes out of our home is a reflection of what goes on in it. Which is precisely why the heart and home deserve lots of our efforts!
…although I will NOT be posting daily in coming months I will try to keep with the more focused theme of savoring what we have and hope to maintain that posture particularly throughout the holiday bustle.
…I am so thankful for the home God has blessed us with. Nothing in this life is permanent but while it is here we can enjoy it. and beautify it. and share it. and savor it.

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Yesterday we heard from Seth’s sister, Claire! Today we get to hear from another sister, my sister-in-law Tina in Ft Worth, Texas! Here is what Tina had to say about her home…
Home for us is cozy space to nap with our pups, watch a football game, have friends and family over, and just a place to relax and be ourselves! Our home was built in 1942 and has lots of charm. It’s not perfect, pretty quirky actually, but it’s cozy and inviting (sounds a lot like family, right?). I would not trade it for any ‘cookie cutter’ home right now; I mean, where would all of my great Canton finds go?!
Everyone loves our red front door and I can’t lie, it’s pretty darn cute and what initially sparked my interest in the house! The bench out front is an antique from a little store in Kiowa, OK where my grandparents live. I think it adds a great pop of color against the grey!

The living room is cozy and usually hosts Aggie football, or a good round of Dance Central where my nephews learned all the greatest dance moves 😉

The entry way table is about 100 years old. It was at my great- grandparent house and fits the space perfectly. I love to mix new pieces with antiques; I think it adds great personality to the space!

The built in cabinets are original to the home. I spruced them up with a fresh coat of paint and some new hardware. My crafty mom was kind enough to make a window seat cushion to complete the space!

Things I love about the bedroom: new hardwoods (holla!), Canton door as headboard ($30 steal), and my antique dressing table!

We recently added a new vanity and tile to our master bath. I love it!

Last but not least, the kitchen. We had the cabinets resurfaced, added quartz countertops, tile/glass back splash, and new appliances.

The cookbook/towel holder above the sink is actually a wine crate!

Notice the quote “If you met my family you would understand.” My mom got that little sign for me and it’s actually perfect. I think that explains a lot about our home and how loving or crazy it can be at times. Thanks for letting me share, Kristen!
Thanks, Tina! As I read this and look at pictures of your home that we have had so much fun in I am reminded of the quote in your parents lakehouse…”Home is where you treat family like friends and friends like family”!
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Well hello! Not sure when you read this if we will be without power or not but with this magical world of blogging I was able to schedule this in advance. SO, even if we are floating away in our red rider wagon you all can enjoy someone else’s peaceful home! Today I asked my sister-in-law Claire if she would write about her home in Oregon! Here is what she has to say… (ps- you get to see my cute niece and nephew today!!)
Bright Windows
In western Oregon, sunlight can be hard to come by. It’s raining or about-to-rain eight months out of the year. So we spend a lot of our time indoors where it can feel dim and dreary. But the windows in my home have become bright spots we all gravitate towards, especially my son. There are only four big windows in our downstairs—two in the kitchen and dining room, and two in the front room. So light is at a premium!
Every morning, I open the curtains and raise the blinds. And then we revel in what light there is.
Window Playground
Over the last two years, Benjamin has spent many hours playing in the curtains near the sliding glass door that leads into our spacious backyard.

And when there are sunny breaks and he runs out to play in the cold, I sometimes spy on him through the Cosmos flowers that are still holding on.

Kitchen Window
I love the window over my kitchen sink. It faces the bright backyard where I can watch Benjamin play, and it’s where I put flowers and herbs and anything else that needs a little light.

Window Chair
Last spring, I was browsing the local antique mall and noticed a little chair upholstered in the kind of tweed fabric my parents’ couch had when I was growing up. I made a second trip back to convince myself Benjamin needed it, bought it, and the little chair soon ended up by one of the front room windows. It has become a stepping stool for Benjamin to see what’s happening on the street and a natural reading spot, especially when grandparents visit.

Naps by the Window
My nine-month-old Madeleine hasn’t had much window play yet, but when she was only a week old, she used a cozy spot by the front window to catch a nap with Daddy.

But during a sunny break last week, I found her by the sliding glass door and snapped a picture of her wearing a flower headband I made for my Etsy shop, January Sun Yarnworks. She was a patient little model and glowed in the sunlight.

After looking back through these pictures I realize how important these windows are to me and my family, especially during the long stretch from October to May. So maybe I should take some time to get out the Windex and clean them…. J
Thanks. Claire! Wishing we could pop over to Oregon!! Like now! We have such fun memories of our visit to you guys! (minus the time change adjustments!!)
Everyone check out Claire’s etsy shop for Christmas shopping and show her some love!! I know she would love to knit some lovelies for you!
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Have you ever had that feeling that you are hesitant to really enjoy that “Life is Good” feeling because you are scared something bad is about to happen. I had never had that feeling until I said out loud to Seth in Bogota that I felt like we were finally at home there and that we were really having a good run….the next week we discovered Jackson’s mass on his leg. We have been on a honeymoon high after coming home. Life is by far not perfect. We have been faced with lots of surprises and such but really, life is good. And I have to admit that in the back of my mind I have become a bit nervous of what’s around the corner. And only God really knows. At the moment we are awaiting a big storm here. Hurricane followed by snow, maybe. Again, who really knows. We are prepared with flashlights, batteries, non-perishable foods, etc. But I hate the feeling that we are so out of control. But we know that God will take care of us and provide for our needs. It might be one heck of an adventure but we won’t fare it alone. So the savoring of home is a bit shaky today, more like clinging to it hoping that it will all still be standing during the storm. Pray for everyone along the East coast…we have friends in so many areas that are being threatened by the storm.
On Friday afternoon when I felt my anxiety rising from all of the talk of the storm I got the boys in the car and drove to find a nature trail. I wanted to enjoy the leaves before they fall. I wanted them to feel the crunch under their feet, smell the smell of fall and catch the leaves as they fell. In our little hustle and bustle I realized we needed to slow down.

yesterday we spent much of the day shifting things in the garage to park the cars, cleaning up the yard and things to prepare for the storm, so in the afternoon we relaxed with the boys and our friend Bonnie and carved our pumpkins

So instead of saying life is good, BUT the storm is coming. I will say Life is good AND the storm is coming. Life will still be good whether we get hard or not.
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