We are still smitten with our new little guy. He has been having a hard time with a cold first, diaper rash and then now reflux but we are getting through the long nights and enjoying his sweet personality. Jackson is enjoying being a big brother but wants full privilege to wake Owen up to “play”, use monster claws to tickle him and sing at the top of his lungs right next to him whenever he wants, among other things. So we are faced with new parenting challenges by the day.
Owen returned to the doctor on Thursday because of the reflux. We got to have him weighed again just to make sure he was continuing to gain weight despite not feeling great. Yep, he’s gaining weight alright. In fact, he has gained over an ounce a day for quite some time now. On Thursday he was 9 lbs 14 oz. The week before on Friday he was 9 lbs 4 oz. He is long enough that even as a “big baby” he looks like a strong bean still.
Here are a few pictures of Owen!

cuddly outfit from his Nama

Dr Jackson is ALWAYS on call. With every cry Jackson hollers “you okay, Owen?”

Tired but happy sums up the Kolb house these days. Seth and I had to laugh last week when we both commented on how calm life has been over the past few months. That tells you how much has gone on in the past 4 yrs of our lives when moving to temporary housing with a 2 yr old at 6 months pregnant, having a baby the weekend of the DC blizzard and starting life with a newborn, sleepless nights, and a very precocious 2 yr old seems calm. It is a controlled chaos I guess. And for us it is a time to savor as we are already needing to begin preparations for yet another move.
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Seth’s parents were able to come over the last week (his dad arriving a few days after his mom) to meet Owen and spend some time with us. We enjoyed having them here. They got a light snow while they were here which was nice since they don’t see that much in Texas. Owen loved being held a ton and Jackson managed to get his Mia to play almost every waking moment. We are weaning off all of the one on one time now that I am flying solo! Here are some pictures from their visit.

Owen and Grandan…also the spider monkey that Aunt Claire knitted for Jackson

Jackson’s first metro ride…also first trip to a museum

The Kolb men and boys

Mia and Owen

another attempt

an attempt at our first family picture as a family of 4…it looks about right, Owen getting “help” from his big brother! The quilt behind us (that now hangs on our wall) was a gift from Seth’s parents. It was made my Seth’s mom’s grandmother.

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This is what Jackson said to Owen as he screamed on our way to church on Christmas Eve! I have to say this was the best Christmas we have had. Not just because Owen joined us only days before..although that had a lot to do with it. It was that we were with family and friends, we made snowmen, snow angels, baked cookies, read Christmas books, decorated our tree together, made a gingerbread house, gave and received gifts, sang our favorite songs and just enjoyed being together. It was the first year that Jackson began to understand Jesus. we spent many hours singing carols of Jesus’ birth and we listened to him ask question after question about all things Christmas.
My parents were here to celebrate with us for Christmas. We ate yummy food, exchanged gifts and had a fun time watching Jackson open gifts with great enthusiasm. One of my favorite gifts this year is the recipe book that my mom recreated for me. The original was my wedding gift from her and it was lost in our box when we moved back a few months ago. So, she spent so much time handwriting all of our favorites again. We had Christmas dinner at my brother Ryan’s home with his family. A couple of days after Christmas our extended family from my dad’s side made the trek over from Maryland for a fun evening of visiting and …you guessed it, more eating. Here are a zillion pictures from Christmas.

Christmas Eve service…Jackson was slightly disappointed when he realized that there was no baby swaddled in a manger. After looking in for Jesus he said “mom, it’s just a pretend blanket”

the cutest stocking stuffer!

Advent calender

Jackson wanted to make a Jackson snowman and an Owen snowman

It was the year of the shortbread cookie! My mom made Jackson his own huge container….and he ate and ate and ate.

We hope you and yours had a very Merry Christmas!
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