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Posts made in December, 2009
Owen and Jackson got to meet on Wednesday a couple of days after Owen was born. Because of hospital policy Jackson could not come up to the hospital…which was sad for me but Jackson was having so much fun with Nama (my mom) at home that he wasn’t too phased. We made a video and Seth showed him me with Owen in the hospital. On Wed Jackson greeted us at the door with great excitement!
Here is a video of his greeting!
Here are a few pictures of Owen coming home from the hospital and meeting his big brother

Not so sure about this going home stuff

Jackson was very sweet when he met his brother. When he first got him in his arms he said “he’s tiny, mommy”. He said “I am your big brother and I love you baby Owen”. So far he is still loving his brother. He frequently wants to help with him…which is scary at times. He will say to be “I am just picking him up”. We are having to watch very closely that our helpful boy doesn’t carry out most of his plans for Owen!
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Posted by Kristen on Dec 23, 2009 in Holiday | 2 comments
I know there are much more important things happening in our life today (like coming home from the hospital, getting ready for Christmas, etc), but it is important to remember the significance of today.
So, Happy Festivus to everyone! If you would have asked me a week ago, I probably could have aired some grievances, but after holding my newborn son, all the problems in the world seem to melt away.
Hope everyone is having as good of a Festivus as me!
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Owen Seth Kolb arrived this morning at 6:23 AM! He weighed 8 lbs 14 oz and 21 1/4 inches long.
We arrived at the hospital Sunday night expecting to be induced. When they did a sonogram, they confirmed he was in fact still head down…but so was his shoulder and hand! So we decided to go ahead and have a C-section Monday morning.
By the time we got to the OR he was breech once again and presented with feet first! So it seems like a C-section was always inevitable.
Owen is healthy and doing great. He has brown hair like his daddy! The c-section was no fun but we are so happy to be done and now enjoying our baby. We are all recovering…and when I say all I include Seth because he was down and out for a few mins being revived with smelling salts.
Kristen is doing well, although definitely still recovering from her surgery. We are looking forward to being home in the next couple of days and celebrating Christmas with family, especially Jackson.

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The update from here is that we have 20 inches of snow…but no baby yet. We go in tonight to check about his position and will start induction if everything is a go. If he is breech they will set me up for a c-section tomorrow. So, still a waiting game. We will let you know how it goes! We will post snow pictures soon!
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