Jackson begged to wear an apron like mommy for our cooking day! He helped stir the pumpkin pie and got to use the mixer for mashed potatoes. He felt very accomplished! And of course super cool in an apron!

our bird

Ready for dinner

Turkey cookies

the whole gang set up to skype my parents

saying good bye out the front window after a fun day!
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This year I am thankful for many things.
The first thing that comes to mind is my husband. I could never have imagined God would give me such an amazing husband. He loves me, even on bad days! And he loves our boys. He is kind and gives people the benefit of the doubt. He is a constant example of patience and remains positive even when I am distracted by the negative. He’s even willing to clean toilets when I am so big pregnant that it is getting tough!
I am so thankful for a healthy, happy little boy. Jackson brings us so much joy. He is a typical 2 yr old with rough times of day but he is constantly bringing smiles to our faces with his fun personality and all that he has to say. Lately he is talking my ear off all day! I am thankful that he is cancer-free and doesn’t even have a memory of all that he went through!
I am so thankful for Owen in my tummy. Last year we spent Thanksgiving day grieving the loss of a pregnancy. It is surreal to be nearly 36 weeks pregnant with an active, healthy baby boy. For the first 18 weeks of this pregnancy doctors told me that the baby might not make it with the hematomas. We are so close to holding him, and for that I am so thankful! I am also thankful that he is coming out soon. a big, breach baby is not the most comfortable thing to carry around with a 2 1/2 yr old!
I am thankful to be back in the US, living near family and friends. Jackson has never lived near family so that is extra special. It has been such a blessing to jump back in with friends here. They have welcomed us back with open arms and we have enjoyed great fellowship! Jackson has been enjoying his buddies!
I am thankful for our friends that are spread around the world. It seems as we go different places and make new friends we all continue to move and expand around the globe. It’s hard not seeing people as much as we would like but it is neat being able to share life with people near and far.
I am thankful for my parents and my dad’s recent passing of a big exam for work. When we told Jackson that PopPop passed his exam Jackson exclaimed “Dear, PopPop”. We are all very excited for them!
I am thankful to have a temporary home. It isn’t our home but it is a cozy place with plenty of space to settle in for our months here. I am thankful that Jackson has settled in and is peaceful here. All of this transition is a lot for us so feeling settled for a bit is wonderful.
These are just a few things that have come to mind…I know there are a million more reasons to be thankful!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Posted by Kristen on Nov 21, 2009 in Family Fun | 0 comments
Nope, not Owen yet. It’s Dorothy, or “Dorfy” as Jackson fondly calls her. She is Jackson’s new goldfish. He just loves her. Every morning and throughout the day he checks in on her and talks to her. He looks forward to feeding her with Seth and helped Seth get her bowl all ready. She is alive one week later so that is good! Here are a few pictures of Jackson with his first pet! Way too many pictures for such an event but if you are bored you may enjoy!

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