Posted by Kristen on Jul 31, 2008 in Uncategorized | 5 comments
Luke is right, #20 is Guatemala City. Knowing the Seabourns might be there bumps it up on the list!
The country’s largest settlement abroad was Cape Colony, aka Cape Town. The country is one of the member nations of the Benelux economic union. This city is the actual seat of government of the country, but not the official capital. It is also home to all embassies in the country. Due to Indonesia being one of the country’s former colonies, there is a sizable Indo influence in the city. The former Bosnian Serb leader, Radovan Karadzic, will be in this city today for his first court appearance.

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Posted by Kristen on Jul 30, 2008 in Uncategorized | 6 comments
So I got brave today and finally tried a recipe from my “Deceptively Delicious” cookbook. I made the brownies with veggies purees in them. I can’t tell you exactly what veggies I did because Seth doesn’t want to know what is in them until he gets to taste it. Anyhow, they are really yummy! You’ve got to try them! I don’t know about anyone else, but I would much rather have a dessert that I can enjoy without feeling bad about eating!
On another very random note, our dear South African friends The Towle’s and The Cook’s surprised Jackson with a Fisher-Price bike yesterday since he lends out his baby gear so much! It was so thoughtful and he loves it!

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Posted by Kristen on Jul 30, 2008 in Uncategorized | 3 comments
Thanks for bearing with us during our hiatus. I don’t think we fully thought through what this game would entail!
This country is one of the most Protestant in Latin America, with about 40% claiming to be Protestants. Miguel Angel Asturias won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1967. One of the capitals of Spanish colonial America was moved here in 1629 after a “water volcano” (I have no idea what that is!) destroyed the previous capital. This is one of the very few countries Kristen and I have both been to.

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Posted by Kristen on Jul 29, 2008 in Uncategorized | 0 comments
#19 was Recife. It is not high on our list but on the list nonetheless!
Today we are taking a hiatus from blogging “Where in the world” to give all of our friends a chance to blog and to give us time to read their blogs! That isn’t really the reason. We are just tired of trying to be creative! But we do love to read our friends blogs and have missed the updates!
Hope everyone is having a good day!
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