We are headed home in a an hour or so…not home, home but Katy home. We were hoping that Jackson would get his drain out before discharging but he still needs it so we are going to be brave and head home with it. We will return to see the surgeon at the beginning of next week sometime to have the drain removed.

We will be resting and caring for Jackson the next few days…yes, these two tasks contradict one another but we have grandparents just dying to help out.

Jackson is in more pain today but still being a good sport. He has learned to climb up and stand on the side of the crib and gets from laying flat to sitting straight up with ease. We laugh because every time he is sick he seems to push ahead with his milestones! We would love for him to take a break for a few days.

Details are still being worked out but at this point Seth will go back next week to work in Bogota for some time before probably returning again to the states. We will be here, there and everywhere for the next couple of months.

Here are a few hospital pictures for your viewing enjoyment…

This is of us before they took him for surgery.

This is of Jackson and I when he was in recovery just after we learned it was BENIGN!!!

This is Jackson when he got transfered to a room in inpatient..he was pretty groggy still. The next is of his adoring grandparents. He was not lacking attention for sure!

The next picture is of us with Dr. Huh, our wonderful oncologist who spent so much time caring for Jackson and for us along the way. And lastly, Jackson’s battle wound. It is a bit longer than you can see but this gives you an idea. He will take great pride in it, I’m sure.

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