Well, after Jackson being a “cancer patient” and Seth and I being “parents of a cancer patient” all week and after making long term decisions we learned that….THE TUMOR IS BENIGN!!!  It turned out to be a vascular malformation.  Jackson stunned the whole medical team and the zillions of people that we have been meeting over the past few days.

Jackson went in to surgery this morning and the doctor said she would come out within an hour to tell us the results of the frozen sample.  After an hour and a half we asked if they had any results. They said that the surgeon was having to take more tissue and that she would come herself to give the results.   We sat agonizing for a few more minutes.

We got called back to a private room to talk to the surgeon and she told us the surgery had gone well. She then told us that she was shocked but that the tumor was a benign mass of vessels.

Jackson still has the same recovery because he had the same surgery as if it was cancer.  He is pretty agitated and uncomfortable but the pain meds are seeping in so he is zoning out a bit.

We will have some more time in Houston for follow-up care and he will return every 6 months for scans.  The doctor said although vascular malformations are not cancer they can reoccur and cause pain so we need to keep tabs on it. It will give us an excuse to get back to the states.
We will keep you posted over the coming days.  Like I mentioned, we will be around for follow-up care and possibly PT.  Right now we need to recuperate and take care of Jackson while he heals.

Thank you for your love and support.  Your prayers were definitely answered.  Continue to pray for rest and healing!

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