Fun Times

We have had a good holiday season with our first wave of guests. My parents came just after Christmas and spent New Year’s with us. My brother is here spending a few days with us after going on a mission trip to Quito. We have had a lot of fun getting out more and taking them to parts of Bogota that we haven’t been to. Jackson just loved the extra attention. Here are some pictures from the past few weeks…

Jackson experiencing bubbles for the first time…he was very cautious!

Below is a night out on the town. For the price of a dinner at Chili’s we all got dinners with 2 steaks each. We could have shared one plate for sure…Seth and my dad ate their entire two steaks each.
Dinner at Parque 93

Jackson enjoyed reading lots of books with Grandma before bed in his new Christmas pj’s.

Reading bedtime books with Grandma

Shopping at the market
Shopping for artesanias in a local Sunday market

Thanks Joe and Jo Beth (Mia and Grandan Kolb) for the ice cream maker! We have already used it twice…and gained a few pounds as a result!

Making homemade ice cream on the porch!

Jackson had his first meal of rice cereal which he loved! He tried to grab the spoon to feed himself.

Jackson’s first meal of rice cereal

We went up the mountain one day to Monserate. I was told that I could ride in a funicular if I didn’t want to ride in the gandala…not true! We all had to ride in the gondola. We lived to tell about it. It was a beautiful view of the city and we got to have a traditional Colombian meal at a restaurant overlooking Bogota.



The view from the gondola!

Jackson hanging out with Uncle Graham!

Uncle Graham and Jackson

This is one of my favorite pictures of Jackson so far. He was just relaxing on Seth’s chest, laughing and “talking”.

Jackson and Daddy

This was Graham’s steak at dinner…yes, this is one order! He started to get the meat sweats.


Dinner at Patagonia

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