Posted by Kristen on Dec 18, 2009 in Family, Virginia | 0 comments
So we went in today for the c-section. I was all hooked up, in a gown and awaiting my spinal. The anesthesiologist was getting me to sign off on the final papers and the doctor came in with the sonogram machine to get one last peek at his position. Sure enough Owen was head down. SOOO after much anticipation, farewells to Jackson and not much sleep the last few days we were sent home to wait a few days. I am contracting every 5-6 mins but nothing strong enough to make fast changes. I will go in Sunday night to begin induction if he hasn’t come by then. In the meantime I am drinking raspberry leaf tea and looking up any old wives tales that might move this along. Of course the concern is that he will move back and I will still need a c-section so please pray with us that this is for real and that we can move forward without a c-section.
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Kristen and I head to the hospital today for a C-section. Owen is still breech and supposedly a “gigantic baby” so the doctors said it’s time to get him out. And since she is 39 weeks tomorrow, it’s a good time for him to come. Kristen is definitely ready to not have a head under her ribs and feel so uncomfortable.
We’re looking forward to meeting him and holding him. As is Jackson. But I think Jack will be distracted for a few days since we’re supposed to get 12 inches of snow starting tonight.
Check back soon for more info and pictures!
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We had a great weekend with Jackson. He got to experience his first snow, built a snowman with Seth and made a gingerbread house. It was a big treat to get to do some of these things just with Jackson before a new baby comes. Don’t get my wrong, we can’t wait to add Owen into the mix but we know that Jackson will have a hard time sharing our attention and we will miss our one on one time with him. So, a weekend packed with things that we could focus on with him was fun.
Jackson is still very social and enjoys being around people. His nursery teacher and MOPs teacher comment on how joyful he is. He is. He makes us smile and helps us to be social by pulling perfect strangers into our world! His enthusiasm is contagious. We are amazed at how Jackson keeps track of all of his friends near and far. He talks frequently about friends in Bogota, cousins that live far away and his friends from here. I was sad when we left Bogota that he would forget our friends but he continues to amaze us when he comes out with questions about them.
Jackson’s favorite pastimes at this point are playing with legos and going to the parks in our area. He loves to run and climb! He has a tough time on weeks when it is rainy and we don’t get out too much. With all of the Christmas music playing another favorite pastime is dancing. Almost immediately when Seth walks in from work Jackson usually asks “don’t you want to dance with me daddy?” or “can you build me a pirate ship daddy?”. Seth doesn’t get much down time when he gets home! His number one fan is always on call and desiring his attention!
Jackson is recently puzzled by the concepts of God and Santa. He is a little nervous about Santa. He doesn’t quite know if God is connected to Santa. The snow was a fun example for him of something that God made. We will be working on these concepts for a while! His questions amaze us and cause us to work hard to clarify things for him.
He has grown up so fast. It feels like he went from talking in short phrases to speaking in paragraphs over night. He has so much to say and so many plans. He wakes up on a mission. He has somehow figured out if he says “I need…” that he might get something faster. We are working on “I would like…, please” because somehow yelling “I need a cookie, NOW” doesn’t seem to be motivating us to meet his “need”.

When Jackson saw the snow out the window he shrieked ” I am going to build a snowman with a carrot nose, and I am going to say “hola” to him”. He had it all planned out. Very funny!

“Hurry, Daddy! It’s snowing”
We love our big boy! We look forward to watching him grow into his new role as a big brother!
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Jackson begged to wear an apron like mommy for our cooking day! He helped stir the pumpkin pie and got to use the mixer for mashed potatoes. He felt very accomplished! And of course super cool in an apron!

our bird

Ready for dinner

Turkey cookies

the whole gang set up to skype my parents

saying good bye out the front window after a fun day!
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