Ever since Owen was born everyone who knows our family has said he looks like my dad. I have seen it here and there but only recently do I think he really reminds me of my dad.
maybe it’s the ken doll hair. Who knows. I just know he’s a handsome guy! Like my dad.
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Posted by Kristen on May 8, 2011 in Family, Holiday | 1 comment
to our moms! And to our friends that are moms! And to all of my dear friends that long to be moms!
Here are some Spring pretties to brighten your Mother’s Day! It is good our moms aren’t in town because I would not have been able to choose flowers for them. I loved everything I saw at the market! Pictures will have to do this year! Wish we were closer!
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…he wouldn’t likely walk again.
…he wouldn’t live through the year.
…he wouldn’t be able to have kids and would have heart failure if he had radiation.
…he might have to have his leg amputated.
But God had different plans for this little boy.
He now runs, jumps, kicks, walks, skips and talks non-stop!!
He is healthy and happy and full of energy.
On May 1st our family took time to remember our story and thank God for his blessing of Jackson’s life. If you are new to our blog and don’t know Jackson’s story you can look back here.
We know that not every family gets this end result. If you want to learn more about Rhabdomyosarcoma and MD Anderson Cancer Center click here.
Thank you to our family and friends for your support back then and for your continued rejoicing with us now! Some may think we talk about it too much but it is such a good reminder for us to have faith and remember that God is carrying us through sickness and health.
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This post may seem so random to most people. What on earth do Nilla Wafer Hamburgers have to do with Easter?! Years ago my grandparents (Grandma and Grandpa Seckinger) came to visit us for Easter weekend when we were living in Zanesville, Ohio. If I was home at my parents house I would scan in some pictures just so you could appreciate the history of past Easter dresses and holidays gone by. You can invision poofy sleeves on a nautical navy dress, wavelike bangs (on both myself and my brother Ryan…his was more of the trendy surfer type wave…mine, not so hip.) I am thousands of miles away so luckily there will be no pictures!
Anyhow, that particular year my grandmother brought super fun edible “crafts” to make. For some reason I am having a hard time remembering the rest of them but yesterday as I colored eggs with Jackson the memory of making nilla wafer hamburgers at Easter with my grandmother popped into my head. They were so cute. You use 2 nilla wafers for the bun, a thin mint (or grasshopper) cookie for the meat, color some shredded coconut for some lettuce and use red and yellow icing for ketchup and mustard. So creative! I don’t remember them having an amazing taste but as a kid I thought they were amazing! Thanks for the memory, Grandma! I am hoping to make these with Jackson some day soon!
Here is the link for a real “recipe ” for them if any of you are tempted to do them with your little ones! Send me a picture if you do them!
Nilla Wafer Hamburgers
Happy Saturday everyone!
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